Book Review: Worst Idea Ever by Jane Fallon @JaneFallon @MichaelJBooks

Morning my loves.  Today I’m super excited to share my review of Worst Idea Ever by Jane Fallon.  I adored this book and never wanted it to end….

Title: Worst Idea Ever
Author: Jane Fallon
Genre: Women’s Fiction/Humour
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Estimated Word Count: 392
Formats available: Hardcover, Audiobook and eBook.
Publisher: Penguin (29 April 2021)
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

about the worst idea ever

Best friends tell each other everything. Or do they?

Georgia and Lydia are so close, they’re practically sisters.

So when Lydia starts an online business that struggles, Georgia wants to help her – but Lydia’s not the kind to accept a handout. Setting up a fake Twitter account, Georgia hopes to give her friend some anonymous moral support by posing as a potential customer.

But then Lydia starts confiding in her new internet buddy and Georgia discovers she doesn’t know her quite as well as she thought. Georgia knows she should reveal the truth – especially when Lydia starts talking about her – but she just can’t help herself.

Until Lydia reveals a secret that could not only end their friendship, but also blow-up Georgia’s marriage . . .

Georgia’s in too deep.

But what can she save?

Her marriage, her friendship – or just herself?

Purchase links: Amazon UK ~ Amazon US

my thoughts

Georgia and Lydia are best friends.  Georgia is a successful children’s author and illustrator, happily married with grown up twins at uni.  Lydia works in publishing, hates it and strives to be an author and illustrator too, but the time hasn’t arrived yet.  Living her #bestlife, she’s always out on glamorous dates, enjoying the single life.  But she set up her own little Etsy shop selling her illustrations and is disheartened by the lack of interest.  So to spur her on and give her some encouragement, Georgia sets up a fake Twitter account, a lovely women called Patricia, who cheers Lydia on.

All is going well until Lydia starts confiding in Patricia.  Gutted that her best friend isn’t telling her how she really feels, Georgia knows she should confess.  But then Lydia tells Patricia that she knows something about her best friends life and doesn’t know whether to tell her.  As the story unfolds, Georgia’s life starts falling to bits.  But as more secrets, lies and deception are unravelled, Georgia needs to find out the truth and save her life as she knows it before it’s too late…….

I absolutely adored this book! I’ve not read any of Jane’s books before but I certainly will be from now on.  She is a fabulous author and the Worst Idea Ever is a funny, thought-provoking, heart-breaking, anger-inducing novel about friendship, deception, secrets, lies and trust.  I was chuckling away by about page 4 and knew from that moment that I was in for a treat….. and I was not disappointed!

Firstly the characters.  There are a whole cast of characters in this that you will adore, and the odd one that will make your blood boil!  I adored Georgia – an absolutely lovely lady with a wonderful career and family, and a supposed best friend, until her world comes crashing down.  I loved the relationships she had with her kids, Nick and her friends.  And obviously, Igor has to have a special mention – the pony-sized dog who captured everyones heart including mine!

The plot was brilliant, as were the subplots.  I honestly didn’t want to put this down, and yes…..I read the whole 392 pages in less than 24 hours! There are unexpected twists that will blow you away, suspicion, lies and deceit that will keep you on your toes, moments where you’ll be holding your breath with no idea what is about to happen, and others that will have you laughing out loud.  This really was an absolutely joy to read!

I love Jane’s writing style.  It’s sharp, witty and just fantastic.  I felt like I knew the characters and was fully invested in the story with my emotions all over the place!! It explores friendships, jealously, trust and fidelity, and definitely shows the best and worst of human nature!

So if you’re looking for a fabulously written book that’s humorous and witty throughout, but with a serious intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages, then this is for you!  Highly recommended by me! I can’t wait to read more of Jane’s books!

for more reviews…..

The blog tour took place earlier this month, and sadly I missed my stop.  But head over to all these other bloggers to see what they thought too……

Huge thank you to Gaby at Michael J Books for inviting me on to the tour, and to her, Jane and the publisher for my copy.  All views and opinions are my own.

Let me know if you read this, I’d absolutely love to chat about it!

Chelle x

One response to “Book Review: Worst Idea Ever by Jane Fallon @JaneFallon @MichaelJBooks”

  1. I love Jane Fallon. Will check this out


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